There is a new gold party blog called
Gold Parties at Home.
Like many gold party blogs,
Gold Parties at Home post articles and information of interest to anyone hosting gold parties or thinking about hosting a gold party or gold buying eventl.
Here is an example of a recent post published to
Gold Parties at Home.
Gold Home Parties a Sign of the Times
It's a sign of the times.
Everyone wants to sell their old gold jewelry, and the easiest and quickest way is by
hosting a gold party at home.
When the economy gets more and more difficult for the masses, more and more people begin looking for ways to come up with extra money to pay bills, buy food etc.
One way they do this is by
liquidating their assets such as their old gold jewelry, coins and what have you.
It's true. You can ask any pawn broker and he will tell you that during tough economic times, one of the first things people let go is their gold jewelry and other gold items.
Selling old, broken and mismatched gold jewelry can be good both for the buyer and seller.
The sale of the gold jewelry by the owner is generally not a truly profitable venture. By its very nature, the selling of something used, in this case gold jewelry, they will probably not get what they originally paid for the necklace, ring or whatever type of gold jewelry it is.... even if made of 24kt. gold.
However, having said that, with the price of gold being so high, many gold party guests are saying they are receiving amounts of money for their old gold that far exceeds any expectation they may have had.
How much you recoup from the original purchase price of your gold item will depend entirely on what the gold item is. A plain ring or simple gold chain may have been purchased when gold prices where a fraction of what they are now, and you may get close to or even more than the original purchase price.
With most gold jewelry however, by the time you consider mark up to retail and the craftsmanship that originally went into the creation of the piece, you are only going to get amount equal to its value as scrap gold.
Items such as mismatched or single earrings, very old pennants, pins, bracelets and class rings are good candidates for selling at a gold home party... as are broken items. These types of unwanted gold jewelry have already lost much of their intrinsic value and can be comfortably sold for scrap gold.
So, even though old gold jewelry may have been purchased and a large markup paid due to the charges for workmanship or craftsmanship, if it was purchased long enough ago, or is mismatched or broken, then it can be sold for its weight in gold and a fair value received.
You also have to keep in mind that if the gold piece is not 24kt. gold then the gold item will contain much filler. The gold purchases will of course be testing the gold content of any item being sold.
Selling your old gold jewelry items at a gold party is still a good deal for the seller so long as they are dealing with reputable gold purchases such as the Mikels with
Fast Cash Gold Parties in the States and
Gold Parties Canada in Canada.
If its gold jewelry you never wear, no longer like, or is broken in some way, and you are in need of cash... then hosting a gold party can really help out. As a host of your own gold party at home you not only get to turn your old gold into cash, in addition you will receive a percentage of the total gold purchases and you get a percentage of any future gold home parties booked by your guests.
Gold home parties are a good thing for all concerned. The hosts gets to turn some old and unwanted gold jewelry into cash and gets paid for hosting the party, the guests get to go home with extra money in their pockets and the
opportunity to host their own gold buying party... and of course the gold buyer gets to do his thing.
The gold buyer buys the gold from you and your gold party guests which can be melted down and sell to be re-used. The buyer gets a good price so is assured of a nice profit. If that weren't the case, their would be no gold party companies and gold buyers out there for you to sell your old, broken and unwanted gold jewelry to... right?
In general, selling gold jewelry is like selling anything else you no longer have use for but can use the few extra dollars.
Bottom line, is that in these tough economic times, when it comes to liquidating off items to pay the bills...
hosting a gold party at home is a great place to start!
There is also opportunities with gold parties at home that we haven't talked about in this post... and they are quite substantial opportunities. You can build a very profitable business hosting gold parties and becoming a representative for
Gold Partes Canada or
Fast Cash Gold Parties.
To learn more you can read the following articles...
- Learn More About Gold Parties, Hosting Gold Parties and How to Make Money as a Gold Party Host - There are many, many websites and blogs out there, some better than others, so we have taken it upon ourselves to list a few links below that will take you to the ones we like.
- Making Money Hosting Gold Parties at Home: How Gold Parties Became a Way of Life, an Income and a Successful Business - Read what the founder and President of Fast Cash Gold Parties says about how gold parties became a way of life, an income and a very, very successful business.
- Gold Party Help Wanted: Gold Party Business Looking For Sales Trainers and Managers - Who would have thought you could make a career of hosting gold parties right in your own area. Well, you can.
- Organize a Gold Buying Event For Charity: Support Your Favorite Charity By Hosting a Gold Buying Party at Home - That's right, you can host a gold party for charity or fundraiser. That way you can make money, have some fun and support a cause... all at the same time.
- Selling Old Gold For Profit: Make Money Selling Used Gold - This post simply outlines the series of articles and provides easy to navigate links back to the posts for anyone interested in these specific gold related topics.
- Fast Cash Gold Parties Interview: Interview With Stacey Mikel of Fast Cash Gold Parties - Fast Cash Gold Parties is currently one of the fastest growing gold buying and gold party companies.
Welcome to
Gold Parties at Home.
Everything you ever wanted to know about gold parties, hosting a gold party, building a gold party business and making money selling used gold.
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