Then there are those broken gold chains and single earrings you haven't had the heart to part with.
Maybe you've got some old jewelry you inherited. Nothing of sentimental value, but perhaps worth something for the gold it contains. After all, you never wear it, but you know it’s worth something.
Have you ever been engaged only to cancel the wedding?
If so, you likely still have the engagement ring. But do you wear it? Of course not, so why not turn it into cash to pay bills or fill the gas tank.
Host a Gold Buying Fund Raiser for Your Favorite Charity
Hosting a gold home party can be a fun and enjoyable way to turn these old gold items into extra cash, and you can ask your family and friends to bring their old gold jewelry and join in the fun.
But why stop there when you could turn your gold party into a fund raiser for your favorite charity.
The idea surrounding the fund raising is quite easy. Everyone brings their old, unused or unwanted gold, silver or platinum items to the party. We all have something lying about that can be sold for its gold content.
But don't let your guests be fooled into thinking they are donating these items to the cause. They aren't, not at all.
The way the fund raiser works is like this. For each piece that you or your guests sell at the gold party, the fund raiser receives a predetermined percentage... say 10%. Pretty good deal actually, and when your guests understand that the gold buying event is to raise money for charity, they are just that much more behind it.
In addition, if any of your gold party guests book gold parties of their own, an additional, smaller percentage is given to the charity. It’s that simple.
As the host of the gold party, you too will earn a certain percentage of each gold purchase made, and you will get a percentage from the gold sales at parties booked by your guests. It's really a win, win situation.
Your guests go home with money in their pockets and knowing they have supported a good cause, you make money for yourself, and of course the charity receives funds in support of their cause.
It doesn't get any better than that, and its as easy as inviting a few friends, neighbors and work mates over for a get together, a glass of wine and some fun!
A fund raiser, charity gold party is fun, easy to organize and mutually beneficial to all.
On the day or night of the your party, your gold buyers will arrive a half hour before your guests begin arriving. That gives them time to set up a small corner where they will have equipment to weigh and appraise each piece of gold you and your guests bring to the party.
If you are in Canada, we recommend you call Gold Parties Canada, and if you are in the States, we recommend you use Fast Cash Gold Parties. Both these companies are affiliated with one another and have developed one of the best and most successful gold home party plans out there.
There is never any pressure for anyone to sell their gold. If any of your guests arrive and decide at the last minute that their piece has too much sentimental value, that’s great. In fact, your appraiser will expect that to happen every now and again.
However, for those that do wish to accept the offer, they will be getting significantly more than what would be offered at a pawn shop or even most jewelry stores.
Most home gold parties offer a great atmosphere for socializing. The only problem is that at most home parties, you will be asking your guests to spend money for your benefit. Yes, the products might be fantastic, but it can still be quite awkward.
In the scenario outline above, you will be supporting a charitable cause and there is absolutely no 'out of pocket' costs to your guests. All they have to do is enjoy themselves and of course bring any old unwanted gold they may have.
Host a Gold Party for Your Office or Place of Employment
If you like, you could even approach the company you work for and ask what charity they support. Then you can organize a fund raiser gold party for your coworkers. You will have instant guests wanting to come support the cause, and as is the case... you too will make money!
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